Aug 2017

All kinds of mathematics

A conference “All Kinds of Mathematics Remind me of You” to celebrate the 70th Anniversary of Peter Cameron took place in Lisbon on 24-27 July 2017. It was followed by a one-day workshop “Symmetry in Finite and Infinite Structures“. Both events took place at the University of Lisbon and were organised by mathematicians from Universidade Aberta and the Universities of Aveiro, Coimbra and Lisbon, led by João Araújo.

Quoting the School newsletter, participants ranged in academic age from Peter’s own DPhil supervisor Peter Neumann to recent St Andrews undergraduate Scott Harper. They included more than twenty co-authors including three with nine or more joint publications with him. The other participants from St Andrews were Rosemary Bailey (who spoke on “Circular designs with weak neighbour balance”), Collin Bleak, Julius Jonusas (“Universal words and sequences”), James Mitchell (“Semigroups from digraphs”), Shayo Olukoya (“Growth rates of automata groups generated by reset automaton”) and Wilf Wilson (“Maximal subsemigroups of monoids of partial order-(anti)endomorphisms”).

The final talk has been given by Peter himself and was entitled “Perchance to dream …”. It mentioned several outstanding problems, and Peter hopes that participants will solve many of these before the next conference!

In a series of five blog posts, Peter gave a detailed account of each day: see those for day 1, day 2, day 3, day 4 and the workshop.